PRIMEX introduces unique shearography tire inspection system

PRIMEX introduces unique shearography tire inspection system

Primex retreaded truck tires production capacity will get a unique shearography tire testing machine in mid-February. The new INTACT 30 guarantees an extremely high quality of the product. The innovative Steinbichler technology for carcasses testing is considered the best in the world. Developed especially for new and retreaded tires producers the new tire inspection system tests tires with an outside diameter up to 1230 mm and with the highest production output. Including loading and unloading, the cycle time is only 30 seconds for the complete inspection of the tire tread and shoulder area. This makes the system ideally suited for the testing of incoming carcasses and for the final quality check of retreaded or new tires.

The inspection covers tread, shoulder, bead and sidewall area detecting defects/separations 1 mm or larger. 4 measuring heads move synchronously in the workspace and provide exceptional image quality.


Primex investment amounts to 200 thousand Euros. The new technology will respond to the low quality of the carcasses on the Bulgarian market and ensure full control of the retreading process. This will further enhance the quality and safety of retreaded tires produced by Primex.

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